What Drives You?

    What drives you?

    Why do you wake up every morning?


   Session #1

    Ok readers here we go! As I’m reading the book Purpose Driven Life by: Rick Warren I came across the questions: What drives you? Would your family or friends say drives you? What would you like their answers to be? (paraphrased at the end of chapter 3)

    I’ve decided to amplify this workshop and invite you to join me on this journey of digging in deeper. Some of you were txted and some messaged on facebook asking you what you would say drives me. I’d like to thank all who responded and for your participation, without it this exercise wouldn’t work. 

    As I already said, I txted about half of my contacts, some family members, some friends who see me through out the week, and friends who are still out of state, giving me a variety. 

    Is Christ evident in my life? The question and fear of different responses haunted me. If Christ isn’t evident in my life then I am not living out my purpose. What is purpose? The God in our life. The thing that we allow to drive, control, and live our lives for. As I was txting my first contact I wanted to hit “delete” but instead hit “sent”. 

Fear has the power to paralyze

-Rachel Lewis

I was terrified! 

Here were some of my responses: 


  This terrifying heart check became a huge encouragement to me. I am excited to press forward in my purpose, Christ, and making him more evident in my life. I am only on the third chapter of this book and would love for you to join me on this journey. 

How to join:

  • Watch for post on My Readers page
  • Respond if you’d like to my open questions
  • Do the exercises on your own time
  • Journal it!

31 thoughts on “What Drives You?

  1. Whenever I question God’s purpose for me, what always immediately pops into my head is Micah 6:8. He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. It’s enough to kind of make your heart stop, huh.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I always think that when we stop looking for our purpose and instead look for Christ, that’s when He reveals it to us. There’s no way to keep it inside when the love gets that big!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would hope that my faith is SO evident to everyone I know. Even atheists have commented on how they see me living my faith, but I know there is no “good enough” just good enough for today as I continue to grow and mature. Keep walking with me, sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful post Mihaela! My prayer each day is to reflect Christ and shine His light on others. He drives me to be the best I can be! The scripture I have placed above my desk is Psalm 143:8, “Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think this is a great question, is Christ evident in our lives? I think that every believer should deeply strive for this every single day of their lives. Preach the gospel through your actions!


  6. I’m driven to make a difference in people’s lives. Usually I can tell if I am motivated to get up and get busy that I’m doing the right thing for me.


  7. During this phase of my life my children honestly drive me. They are what gets me out of bed every morning no matter what. You are so right about fear. It can absolutely paralyze us. I’m glad you’re taking the time to learn about yourself and be so reflective and inquisitive. -Erin at http://www.stayathomeyogi.com


  8. This is a beautiful post. During my younger years, I used to not know what I think my life is for. As I became an adult & made sure to function like one, family is the main thing that drives me to work hard and to get up each day. My Mom only has my brother and I & I know that she needs me.


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