Bless You

Peter and I look through our receipts. I calculate from each account. Do we have to live this way? No. But we choose to. Most people ‘ choose this lifestyle. Maybe some day we will be full in full-time ministry on ministry support but for now we work the nine to five jobs. We are tent makers. When we say tent makers we are referring to Paul in the Bible who made tents to support his ministry spreading the gospel around the world.

When we get over time all we can think of is all the people we can bless around us.

For Peter, his missions trip to Malawi A Different World opened his eyes even more on how much we have and how greedy so many people are. He was reminded of how little people can have and still be content. He then realized how much he can bless people around him by having the job he has. His passion for giving grew abundantly.

Readers we write this to encourage you to continue to bless those in greater need. I (Mihaela) will be honest it was very hard for me to give joyfully or even give at all especially in the paycheck to paycheck days. But over time God was working in my heart. When I started Project Hope Just an Idea passion for the misunderstood burned in my heart. I stopped worrying about my bank account and let God do what he does best, provide.

II Corinthians 9:7

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

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