Date Night Jars


My husband and I have one of these and we love it! 

What I love about these is you can make them how ever you want!

You don’t have to use a mason jar like us. A simple list might just do the trick.



*Bed and breakfast *go to a hotel *hiking *go to a flower nursery and buy some *he makes dinner while she gets ready  *he surprises her with a new dress and a note that says “be ready by…” *cute love notes everywhere before spouse comes home 

Out side: *pic nic *walks  *beach day *horse back riding *fair *zoo


*play a two player sport together(tennis, bad mitten, throw a frisbee, ect.)  *fishing *swing dancing   *bowling  *wall climbing  *canoeing  *skiing *running   *hiking *walks *sign up for a run *ice skating *larping 


*baking *cooking *gaming *build something *get artsy (paint, color, draw ect.)  *Do the holiday things (carve pumpkins, gingerbread houses, decorate, bake, dress up, ect.) *movie *restaurant  *board games  *coffee date *Indoor picnic *arcade 


*double date *Go see a play *glass blowing *go to an art gallery or a museum *Monster truck show *go to a different restaurant for a three course meal 


*read something together  *share your favorite Bible verse/story and why? *share what Bible character you think you are most like and why? *Take quizzes online to get to know each other 


The list could go on…..what are some other great ideas for a date?

25 thoughts on “Date Night Jars

  1. I love this so much! My husband and I don’t get dates very often, but when we do it’s always fun. We do a lot of home dates where we watch shows and movies we enjoy.


  2. It’s nice to be able to keep the fire burning through date nights. I think having a jar full of ideas is amazing! It’s definitely fun and exciting to see what you’re going to get next.


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