Speak Flowers

Let our words be flowers to the moms who are in the swings of the hard parts motherhood brings. The ones who have hard pregnancies. The moms who had to fight to even gain the title mom. The moms who are sleep deprived to the point where their eyes sting most days. The moms who are learning boundaries with friends and family. The potty training and gently being consistent in discipline, and most of all the moms who are doing all this while tending to childhood wounds. The moms who are reliving and learning to clean their wounds so they don’t spill over to their loved ones. Their hearts are tender, because they too want to be good moms and didn’t have a clear compass. Their minds are learning to shift and speak gently to themselves as they do to their children. They are unlearning and doing motherhood for the first time. The only difference is they came into it hurting, and are finding pain they didn’t know existed. If no one is encouraging you in the thick of it right now I’m here to say God sees your work. He entrusted you with your child and with his strength you can have victory over the wounds that keep hitting the surfaces.

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