Who Are You Glorifying?

A friend of mine asked me the other day what I honestly thought of her blog and if I thought she was glorifying  God through it.

Who are you glorifying when you post?

I asked her this “What is your motive when you post?”

I think this is an honest question every believer needs to ask themselves before they post. Some of us become attention seekers turning others gaze away from God unintentionally. If we honestly question our next post we should be cautious and open to a friends opinion. Remember guys it’s not about us.

Another friend of mine was saying how God should be relevant in all the areas of our lives. I have been convicted of my media posting. Christ should also shine in your media! She wasn’t saying post verses and how amazing God is every other day. She was talking about being clean in our posting. Although crude humor, vile language or the look at what I did all by myself post may be appropriate for our audience we as believers can and should be aware of our posting.

Believers and other bloggers I leave you with this question: Who are you glorifying?



26 thoughts on “Who Are You Glorifying?

  1. Ah yes. This is really so very important! There are some Christians who post things or write things I honestly cringe at. Are they representing Christ accurately? It is disheartening to see. 😦

    I am VERY careful about everything I say or post on social media and on my blog. I often make the hard choice to ‘not’ share certain things, because they don’t honor God’s ways. I always pray about what I write and when I feel a bit cautious or worried about the message, I’ll ask another believer to take a look for reassurance.

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  2. Recently I have been feeling really hypocritical with my blog. I feel like the worlds worst Christian after messing up so many times. I wonder what right I have to shout about God on my blog, but then I wonder if that’s a spiritual attack and just post it anyway!

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    • Yeah that’s always a tricky one. We are very careful about quoting scripture, because there is judgement for misquoting. Very loaded responsibility on our shoulders.


  3. My biggest battle on whether or not I’m glorifying God comes, not from language or misquoting scripture (I hope), but rather from paying too much attention to my stats and my *own* glory. I have to fight against this.

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    • Yes I have cut back on media a lot because of the same struggle. My stats have lowered but I’m more in tune with those around me now.


  4. A great reminder to all bloggers who desire to reflect Jesus. I’m always careful with social media but I may need to look a little deeper at my words on some posts!


  5. agreed, I always want what I write to edify others and glorify the Lord. I want to be Matthew 5:16 always



  6. So true. I find I often need to stop and evaluate. The way that works best for me is to hold up recent posts to my mission statement. Do they accomplish the mission God gave me?

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  7. So true! There are times I don’t post what I want to say/write because it would NOT be glorifying God. (I realize I’m still sinning at those times and need to seek His forgiveness.)


  8. We have got to make certain we are always checking our motives. We can’t walk a different way than we take. Especially when we have put ourselves in the position of influencing others.

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  9. Great question! It should guide everything we do as bloggers and Christians 🙂 I find this hard sometimes when I promote certain things about my blog, but I promote so others can hear about Christ. I guess its where our motives lie isn’t it?
    Thanks for the reminder Mihaela! 🙂

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  10. Thank you for your heart! Many articles about blogging I’ve read say bloggers should be writing what their audience wants to hear. This is one of the first I’ve read that encourages women of God to write what God wants them to write. We are called to be a beautiful light shining in a dark and evil world. May we as Gods daughter continually live for His Name and not our own. Blessings!

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