I’m Not In Charge

Would you ever change your past?

    No. Would I change that I was abused? No.Would I change that I was put up for adoption? No again. I am the person I am today because of these events. This is the story that God has allowed to be mine. We are not the only authors of our stories. God allows things that are out of our control to happen to us and I can not explain why. God cannot be fully explained. But because of these events I can sympathize with those with similar hurts and understand fears and challenges of being adopted. 

    Have you ever doubted Gods plan in your life?

    No. In fact I prefer His choice. God picked my family and only He can pick the perfect family for us. Why? Because He created us. Therefore, He knows us best. My parents could have adopted any child, but instead our paths were brought together. This is no coincidence considering my mom didn’t even know Romania was a country. Adoption itself is a miracle and only God can give us those. 


More reads here:

why I’m writing on adoption: Talk about adoption

My story


21 thoughts on “I’m Not In Charge

  1. That’s beautiful. I believe God has a plan for all of us. As far as changing the past, I believe it is what we learned on our journey that is so important to teach others.


  2. My father dying when I was a teenager made way for a season of me relying on God like never before. Maybe I would go back and change that if I could. But since I can’t I am grateful for the good God has brought out of it – me learning to rely on God as Father in a way I never could have before, me understanding a layer of deep grief to relate to people going through difficult times, me being able to encourage people that God can handle our emotions, even if we’re made at Him. God doesn’t cause all things to happen, but He does cause all things to work together for our good when we love Him and walk in His calling on our lives (Romans 8:28.)


  3. Truly amazing and inspirational. Great outlook. I’m learning that God is control of my life and worrying about it or complaining isn’t going to change anything. I just have to trust in Him.


  4. There are moments that I’d like to change in my past but you’re right, we go through those things for a reason. And I agree, no matter how much we’d like to think we are, we are not in charge.


  5. We can’t change whatever that has happened in the past but we can always change the course of our future with God’s guidance. He has plans for us and I am more than willing to follow.


  6. I don’t think that I would change anything that has happened in my past. I definitely think that everything has molded us into who we are today.


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