Build Don’t Break

    As a newlyweds Peter and I have been working on surrounding ourselves in a community of encouragement. These next few years are years of preparation as we expand on our family. Although I’m an introvert I am learning how important it  really is to have a good community.

   We have come to realize if someone is not uplifting us they will not be uplifting for our children.  Even if they are family. Of course we live in a world where our children will hear every name in the book and be let down.  But it doesn’t have to be from the people we choose to spend the majority of our time with.

    Peter already is surrounded by a lot of chaos and unhealthy people at his job, but when he goes and meets up with other godly men he is encouraged.

Proverbs 27:17  As iron sharpens iron,
    so one person sharpens another.

    Our Church family is encouraging in our walk with Christ but once a week for a few hours is not consistent enough. Dropping in and leaving isn’t going to make the community it’s about building relationships. It’s about: praying for one another, helping with specific needs, teaming up in ministry, fellowship out side of Church, and comforting and celebrating with one another.

Hebrews 10:23-24  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.



More writings on boundaries:

Could I Get A little Privacy?

Dear Embarrasing Parents

Sayanara Heartache







43 thoughts on “Build Don’t Break

  1. It does take effort to find the right kind of people to spend our time with, especially when it comes to those we fellowship with. It sounds like you are making wise decisions.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m an introvert too, dear Sister. It can be difficult for us, especially when others around us do not understand our need to be away. But an awesome thing about us introverts is that when we do have a real relationship with someone (one that goes beyond the surface), we are amazing friends!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are right on that fellowship outside the church is important for our Christian walk and growth. I am very blessed to have a group of friends from church to be friends with in everyday life as well, and to raise our children together. Good, godly community is so important.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good community really is important, but it is so hard to find! Even when you do find it, people move and life circumstances change. We just have to be open to pray and look and see where Jesus is leading us and who needs friends. There will be dry spells of loneliness, but sometimes having kids makes it easier to connect to others in that same stage of life.


  5. Community is so important, but as an introvert myself – I feel like it looks differently in different seasons (it can often be a challenge to navigate, too!). But I think what is most important, is that God has called us to it and that it is worth fighting for, pushing through, and never giving up regardless of where we are! Thank you for sharing this!! -xx Anna

    Liked by 1 person

  6. By virtue of our job, our children grew up with pastors, missionaries and evangelists sitting around our table. What an impact these godly people had on Melanie and Emily.


  7. You are right, fellowship with encouraging people is so important. It is something that Jenny, myself, and our entire family is trying to get better at. And I absolutely agree, good boundaries are very import also. Finding a close group of friends takes time, but it is wonderful when it happens!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is such great advice. As newlyweds, we struggled with this, we had alot of single friends but not married, godly friends. We have slowly built an amazing group of friends and family who support and encourage us in our walk with Christ and in our marriage!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I just posted about fellowship as well. I’m not quite a newlywed and already have kiddos, but my hubby is military. Deployments demand a strong support group made up of encouraging and thoughtful people. You are spot on with your want and need for a community of fellow Christians. Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I believe in any season of our lives its important to surround ourselves in a good community.


  10. Community is so important. I neglected my community for a long time and have had to make a real effort to build it up again now that I’m a mom and seeing the need of support and encouragement.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ” We have come to realize if someone is not uplifting us they will not be uplifting for our children” That is a powerful thought and something that every parent needs to consider when determining if a relationship should be continued or at least modeled in their children’s lives.


  12. One of the first things I did when I became a stay at home dad back in August 2016 was to get involved in a Men’s small group. I knew that I was going to need to get plugged back in with other adults around me to lift up and encourage others. This is so true. Thanks for sharing!


  13. I hear you. I recently moved almost three years ago and getting plugged in to a Bible teaching church has been such a blessing. I just became a member this July. I am thankful for the encouragement I receive and the friendships I’ve made as well. Such an inspiration to be around my brothers and sisters in Christ as we worship our Savior. However, the friendship of my best friend who loves the Lord is irreplaceable. He is like a brother to me. The time we spend together is so uplifting. I am also blessed by the amazing Christian bloggers I have met over the past 18 months. Their prayers, words of wisdom and the friendships that have developed strengthen me. Even my caregiver is a Christian. We pray together at times. We have become dear friends. I thank God for the amazing Christians He continues to bring into my life to run alongside me on this journey. So nice to visit your site today. May God surround you both with the support you need. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. God bless you and yours.


  14. Oh yes, a good, godly community is a must. I’m waving at my new introverted friend, I’m an introvert too! Thank you for sharing with Thankful Thursdays, I hope to see you again on Thursday.


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