COTN Everyday Value

    I’ve been thinking about doing this for a matter of months now. I Finally got around to doing it! It amazes Peter and me how much we have here in America. I did this exercise to help open the eyes of others including myself to help us see how much we have by  what we wear. Now I would consider myself a low maintenance person always shopping at thrift stores and looking for deals but I was surprised at the results.

Exercise: Take an every day picture of yourself. Something you would wear on a regular day ( keep it casual) If you wear make up count the cost of the make up. If you wear a watch count it, ect.

COTN money and clothes

    I’ve always heard of COTN (Children of the Nations) but never got to hear someones heart after going on a missions trip until Peter came back from Malawi.  His passion for Malawi has only grown since then. On May 21st, 2016 he has started a Frisbee tournament  to help support a friend he met there. If you were touched by this I encourage you to share this post, and do the exercise yourself. 

Other ways you can help:


Gifts under 25$

Gifts up to 75$

Gifts 100 and up

61 thoughts on “COTN Everyday Value

  1. Our pastor just came back from Malawi, teaching young pastors how to preach expositionally. He travels a lot, but this really got to him, in many ways. He’s said many times that people in poor countries pray for us in the U.S., because we have so much that our attention is pulled away from the Lord.

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  2. After 10 years in the mission field, it’s hard to walk a mall anymore. While I am so very grateful for the blessings that we have in this country, it amazes me how much we waste. How much food, finances could be used to fund things that people take for granted.

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  3. I think our family falls somewhere in the middle in terms of extravagance. But we’re striving to change that. We’re spending Christmas in India this year so our children can see what others don’t have, and maybe be blessed with a different perspective.

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  4. This is a beautiful reminder to all of us! I remember coming home from my first mission trip and being so grateful that my house had windows. About the time I starting taking them for granted I knew it was time for another trip.
    Thank you for showing us all how easy we can give to others who have such basic needs that we may not often think about.

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  5. I’ve been doing an experiment to see how many times I impulse buy something. I need to try this experiment with those things. It’s made a difference just noticing how often I impulse buy and I’ve cut almost all of it out.


  6. I love that you included things like cosmetics and vitamins. I think right now what I’m wearing is probably $80 and I’m super cheap and keep things forever, but that didn’t even include my moisturizer, mascara, make-up, vitamins, prescriptions, etc. We are definitely so ‘rich”, we’ve forgotten true wealth isn’t measured in things.

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  7. What a convicting post. I wrestle with whether it’s ever okay to “pamper” myself with nice things. We give to our church and other organizations serving the poor, etc. Sometimes I think that’s enough, and I have “earned” what’s left over, but I’m not sure that’s how Jesus would use His money.


  8. God has definitely blessed me beyond what I know what to do with… It’s amazing how many things I could get for the price of my everyday attire … Some things I deserve I believe, while others I could do without, and should.


  9. Someone once told me that there is someone out there wishing to have what you have right now. I think of that on the days that I think I need a bigger house or a new car and it reminds me to be thankful and content with what I am blessed with.


  10. I remember having a hard time when I returned from a mission trip reconciling all of the luxuries I had that I had taken for granted–including toilets and showers!


  11. It is so hard to remember how blessed we are here in the US. It’s also hard to remember that it’s actually not the stuff that blesses us at all.

    Great post!

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  12. I went to Uganda 10 years ago, and it was VASTLY different. I brought at least 5 skirts, 2 shorts, 7-10 shorts, etc. on the trip. Where we were, people were prosperous if they had more than 2-3 outfits. When talking to the missionaries, they also used caution when giving items to the people. They said that the people had become so dependent on foreign aid that some people refused to work and expected financial aid to be given. (They referred to the book “The Shackled Continent” when discussing this.)


  13. I have a friend in Malawi right now!

    We do have so much in America and take it for granted. I appreciate how you took a picture and broke down the costs of what the item is and how that same amount of money could be used to help others.


  14. Wow it really makes you think about how much you are blessed and privileged with every single day, even in the “little” things. Thanks for sharing!

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  15. Wow-wow-wow. What an interesting way to look at what we spend on nonsense every single day of our lives and what it would buy those that are so less fortunate than us. Thanks for sharing this. I have a feeling that this visual will stick with me for years to come. 😉
    The How-to Guru

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  16. This definitely makes me realize how financially blessed we are in the United States. Looking at what I’m wearing, it costs >$100 (most of it goes to my shoes/sandals).

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  17. This was so timely for me because I just stood in my room yesterday looking around and feeling like I have so much…which is a blessing..but how much of it I don’t even use. I told my husband I want to simplify so I can give more. Thanks for this!!

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  18. We really are fortunate to have what we have and I make sure that my kids also realize that so they don’t take advantage of it. It’s nice to be able to help out.


  19. This is exactly why we adapted a minimalist liferstyle. We are taught this consumerist world, which results in more for rich countires and less for poorer countries. The greed needs to stop. We help show our family this, by donating the money we would have spent on their Christmas gifts by donating it to various charities. (Donating our gifts to charity too.)

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  20. This is great that you have a heart for people from different areas. I hope that you can be a big blessing to the people’s there.


  21. This most certainly puts things into perspective! There are a lot of things that we just buy and take for granted because we feel we owe it to ourselves to have those things, and yet, we could do so much more with the money spent. I will have to give this exercise a go. Thanks for sharing.


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